FIRST PRIZE Winner Grand Prize Virtuoso dla Septetu „Sforzato”

Zespół „Sforzato” w składzie: Jakub Sporek, Michał Majeran, Emilia Rząsa, Magdalena Pajdzik, Dominika Kuchta, Klaudia Sasuła oraz Martyna Kędroń otrzymali Pierwszą Nagrodę w Międzynarodowym Konkursie Muzycznym „Wiedeń” Grand Prize Virtuoso 2018.

11 kwietnia 2018 wystąpią w sali koncertowej Wiener Musikverein (Wiedeń) w najważniejszej siedzibie austriackiej orkiestry.


From: Grand Prize Virtuoso Competition []
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 10:20 AM
To: Halina Waszkiewicz Rosiek <>


Dear Jakub, Michal, Emilia, Dominika, Magdalena, Klaudia and Martyna,


We are delighted to inform you on behalf of the International Music Competition 'Vienna’ Grand Prize Virtuoso 2018 that you have been chosen as a FIRST PRIZE Winner.


We would first of all like to congratulate your parents and Prof. Halina Waszkiewicz-Rosiek for the quality of your performance. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!


You have been selected to perform at Gläserner Saal, Musikverein (Vienna) on Wednesday, April 11, 2018:



One work max. 4 minutes



Please kindly confirm (by email) within 24 hours if you are able to attend and perform at the Awards Ceremony.




If for any reason you are unable to attend, we will send your FIRST PRIZE certificate.


But if you accept the invitation to perform and for any reason you are unable to attend – your first prize  – will result in disqualification.


Please don’t hesitate to contact if you require additional information on this or other matters.


Best wishes,

Grand Prize Virtuoso Organizational Committee